Imagine the ideal situation when we and our partner in conflict are only focused on our own feelings and needs, without any unnecessary external influences. It's like being in a cozy cocoon, protected from all external factors that can only complicate and worsen our argument. That's why it's so important to exclude the external environment from the conflict - so that we can focus on what's important, on our relationship, on our path to resolving the issue.
When other people or circumstances interfere in our disputes, it can only worsen the situation and make it even more complicated.
Excluding the external environment from the conflict allows us to turn to ourselves and understand what the problem is and how we can solve it. We can discuss all aspects of the conflict, express our feelings and thoughts, and find a solution that satisfies all parties.
Furthermore, excluding the external environment from the conflict allows us to grow and strengthen our relationships. We learn to communicate, listen to each other, show empathy and respect for the opinions of others. This helps us become more mature and responsible, and creates the foundation for healthy and long-lasting relationships.
The tandem-mediators complement each other for a 360° overview and achieve maximum effectiveness and success.
The strength lies in two of tandem. Tandem-mediators observe the full picture from different angles, see more options to conflict resolution, make better decisions.
The parties can be confident in the full agreement and impartiality of the mediation, nothing will go unnoticed or missed.
This is one side of the medal - Facilitation!
What else?
Also 360° overview is about not only the focus on conflict but on person resolving this conflict - the state of energy, the state of mind, all things which brought the person into the conflicts, and which will bring out.
About - how to take this experience not to dive into the conflicts again, how to keep an eye on awareness and not react straight away.
That is the other side of the medal - Transformation!
As a result, facilitative & transformative mediation brings you to your medal - valuable and meaningful success!
Actually there are only 3 stages on the way to successful mediation:
Preparation is key!
During the pre-mediation video call, we get acquainted with the parties of the conflict and the conflict itself, determine if the conflict is mediative, what needs to be done to enter into mediation, set tasks for the mediation and questions for resolution.
The parties of the conflict must be ready for open dialogue. Mediation is not a battle for victory, but a search for a common solution that will be best for each party.
Very often, parties in a conflict argue, but do not clearly know the specific reasons. Movable and immovable property, business shares and stocks, assets and liabilities are not clearly defined anywhere, so that it could be looked at, determine how much it is worth, and determine the value of each item for each party.
This is where preparation begins - our lawyer partners conduct due diligence so that both parties and mediators have a complete 360° for review.
When the conflict and materials are ready for mediation, we prepare the parties for mediation: the time for mediation is determined, concierge services are connected so that clients are in the right place at the right time to start mediation, so that the parties are in a resourceful state.
We have taken care of this as well - our partner nutritionist has developed a special nutrition protocol to regulate the level of cortisol - the stress hormone, for the resourceful state of each mediation participant.
We are about 360° - everything should be ready: the conflict for resolution, and the parties for full focus. This is the key to success!
Confidentiality is one of the cornerstones of mediation and, without a doubt, the most important principle for us. The mediator's obligation to maintain confidential information is not just a professional norm, it is a fundamental guarantee that creates an atmosphere of complete trust and safety. It is because of this that participants can freely and sincerely express their thoughts and feelings without fear of negative consequences.
In addition to the fact that confidentiality is an important principle of mediation, it is a goal that we achieve through the Quinella Method.
We take the conflict to Lombok Island - no one from the clients’ environment knows or suspects that the parties to the conflict are working with the mediators.
And this was a big problem when our clients were seen at a meeting with mediators in business centers, offices, restaurants, talks immediately began: “they are in conflict!”, - as a consequence the clients’ deals were broken, the talks affected clients’ reputation.
We have solved this problem and our clients can be assured of 100% confidentiality.
That is why confidentiality becomes not just one of the principles - it becomes the foundation on which the entire Quinella mediation process is built, allowing participants to move towards resolving the conflict and strengthening mutual understanding.
The independence of the mediator is the basis for trusting mediation.
The confidence of the parties in the independence of the mediator is what leads the conflicting parties into mediation.
And maintaining the mediator's independence is what helps to maintain the trust of the parties throughout the mediation process, and is the key to a successful result.
Independence in our method of mediation brings a neutral place where we take the conflict, where the mediator is independent of the parties, of any beliefs, and each party independent of the conflict environment.
According to Quinella Method, in the process of mediation itself, the mediator works with the parties and the conflict, and outside the mediation villa, without the parties, the mediator works on independence, checks for the realism of the agreement, matches and reflects everything that was in the walls of the mediation villa during the day.
It is 100% focus and 360° overview 24/7 for 4 days that allows us to quickly resolve any conflict.
We are innovators in mediation!
In any case, the final stage is the most difficult!
When the finish is near, it seems that we need to speed up and complete the process, but we think it's not right.
In the Quinella Method, we pay special attention to the most critical stage of the mediation process - the end of mediation and the verification of the agreement for realism.
At this stage of mediation, it is extremely important for the mediator not to speed up, but to slow down the process!
After finding a mutually beneficial solution for the parties, it is important for the mediator not to rejoice because of the success, but to carefully check the decisions for realism and feasibility.
At this stage, it may be useful to hold individual meetings with each party. In these meetings, the mediator should ask a number of key questions that will help him assess the true state of the parties:
⁃ How satisfied are you with the outcome of the negotiations?
⁃ If you have a dispute, will you contact the mediator?
⁃ Have you felt better after mediation?
⁃ Are you satisfied with the result of your work?
The final stage of mediation is a very difficult stage for the mediator. There is a natural desire to complete the process and start celebrating success.
Nevertheless, right now it is necessary to show maximum concentration, slow down and check the decisions.
Considering 3 stages on the path to successful mediation:
...we are finally here...
After the end of the mediation process, when the parties have reached a mutually beneficial solution to the conflict, it is necessary to take the final action - Celebration!
According to Quinella Method, such completion of the mediation process plays an extremely important role in the acceptance of the achieved results and the appropriation of this significant achievement by the parties.
This unforgettable moment allows all participants to consolidate the positive emotions that arise after the end of the conflict resolution process.
Celebration not only promotes awareness and acceptance of the agreements reached, but also gives participants a deep sense of involvement in the successful outcome. They feel proud of their ability to resolve disputes peacefully, which increases their confidence in their own abilities.
Additionally, it sets a positive precedent for future interactions, creating the basis for future cooperation and harmonious relationships between the parties.
Celebrating the final stage of mediation is not just the final chord, it is a bright and inspiring moment that fills the participants with optimism and confidence in the future implementation of the agreement reached.
You can sign as many documents as you like, but true commitment to yourself occurs when a person lives through what he agreed upon. And the best way to live through is to celebrate!
Quinella Method is developed for your unique situation!
number one tandem-mediators in the world
Lombok Barat, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
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PT Quinella Mediation Valley
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